Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Last week our Good Buddy and FBM/Coalition team rider Kie Ashworth made his way over to SA for some riding and to work on some footage and to also plan an overseas trip that is coming up soon for both of us. Kie rules and actually does not have a chip on his shoulder about his riding which is a refreshing change. We had some rad sesions at our local (WB)
and the killer new bowls at Flagstaff Hill. Brad met us up there for a ride one afternoon and he managed to fire out some sweet clips also. We ran into our good mate from back in the day Stanz which was rad. He Fired over this pic of him styling at Seaford on his Green FBM PW MOTO with matching Green ANIMAL Tyres. Stanz rules and its rad to see people who have not forgotten to ride there bike and smile at the same time.....Rad new Coalition products arriving tommorow!