Federal Bikes have just released a new teaser for a Germany roadtrip they filmed recently so click the link above to
go and see what they got up to while they were over there. Speaking of New vids Cooper @ Focalpoint is nearing the end of his second masterpiece so make sure if you are in the Melbourne Area around the time of the 19th of October make sure to get your bones down there to check out what Animals own Liam Fahy Hampton and Federals Troy Jackson have been up too on there steeds of late. Ty Reuter from Canberra was the first rider to email us with the the hot trick at the moment from the latest United DVD- Luc E grind to 180 as made to look easy by Corey Martinez and Nathan Williams. Ty has a whole swag of United Goodies on his way to his letter box right now -nice work Ty! We still have a few Trinity Frames and forks left in stock from last months shipment so if you are chasing one of those dont delay- Stowaways own Warehouse honcho Haydn Banks swears by Trinity forks on his personel rig. Doug sent in this pic of Haydn with a styley invert at the Adelaide city Park