Well its Catalog time again around here and the new one with old mate Kie Ashworth on the cover are making the rounds of your favourite bike shops right now. For all of you riders out there that are looking for one as well you can bag your self one that comes with a FREE UNITED BIKE CO DVD! Yes all you need to do is email Haydn in the warehouse at...
with your postal address and your name and hey Presto if you have beaten the hordes that read this before you can get a free DVD and squiz the bumping catalog with some new treats in it! In case your wondering what the cover boy Kie Ashworth looks like riding his bike here he is in Mandurah after learning flairs last week. We also just got in some new logos TS just ripe for the summer glaze off . Also look out for the new custom Peter Koh zipper hoods that are now in stock in grey , black and royal blue . Peter was good enough to provide us with some of his super chilled artwork and this hoody is finished off with some custom sew tags as well .As with all of our products these are now available at your favourite BMX store.