The Props Rock and Roll tour 2 is now in your local BMX shop and is a great take on the Music/riding scene going on in the USA right now , Check some great tracks from Lucero amongst a whole bunch of other stuff as well.. Troy Jackson our Federal rider from Melbourne has some great clips in the new Focal point DVD which is an absolute smoker with some seriously wild street riding from Melbourne and Beyond. Animal is well represented by Liam Fahy Hampton and Even T1 bro Leigh Giasson has a clip in there so do Cooper a Favour and get a copy from him! I wish we were premiering another riding vid of ours its always such a fun time- Check a pic from Cooper of Troy getting molested by Flagz. Someone whom most people already now as a chiller and awesome rider and friend of all of us down here ,Kie Ashworth was recently down for the sacred ditch jam and to chill out after abusing the ditch with all sorts of treats he is now back in Western Australia doing Demos for a living ahh thats the life right Kie?
Jamie Moore
ps check the link above to go the Props Visual Website and make sure you check out the pro bike Auctions,
want Aaron Ross,s FBM Stairmaster or Ruben Alacantaras T1-get bidding for a good cause.