Today we had a bit of good luck on our side. weather held out and was nice and sunny. headed to five dock bowls for a sesh early this morning. alot went down and some nice clips were taken. got a few shots.
Ian foot jam whip on the bank

leo boosting the hip

corey laying it flat

metro barspin pop on the bank

kye 270 flatty transfer

leo tweaking a look back over the local transfer

after the sesh we headed for some lunch in down town newtown.
after that we rocked up at Hell On Wheels.. shirts got signed, kids got some stickers and met the crew. psyched.
Hell On Wheels

in store

sleeping in tomoro and heading out for a street ride. went out looking tonight, nathan nailed a curved rail 50/50 to hop over to bar spin off a curb.. but then we got rained out!