Peep the above link for some Road Fools 16 Trailer madness, With a crew of Heavyweights like this can you think it can be anything but rad? As if you needed any other reason to know Corey Martinez is rad right? Wait until you see the sequence in the new Dig. Its not Even right! Expect to hear alot more from this little punk from the backblocks of Suburban Canberra, Kelvin looks like he just shit a brick-Maybe thats because he is running a brand new FBM Warlord which should make these textbook opposite lookbacks even easier .We are glad to be helping out Kelvin with FBM flow and as i said you will be hearing lots more from him real soon... Had fun riding your bike today? Luke Mcblane always does and seeing him whip round the berm at Nathan Searles trails just makes my day. New Horses in the Stable? You heard that here first and Matt Hodgsons New 09 United Trinity is looking right tight. Matt has been riding for years now and is a cornerstone of the ADL scene full respect is due!! Yeeeeew me out.
Jamie Moore