Friday, March 20, 2009

Marko and Knox park

Peep the link above to see Marko Maksimovic and see what he gets up to on a daily basis at Knox Bowl in Melbs.
Keep your eye on that bowl and everything else concrete in Victoria in the next month as you may get quite a shock to see who is there. Hop on over to the Terrible One site to see whats been going on with everyones favourite company from Austin ,TX. While you are there sign up for there "Freaky Friday" email and get some randomness emailed to you every friday. i Have reattached a cool mask here for you to print out , wear and scare everyone at the local woolies. Dont forget to pick up the latest issue of Props 71 as United Shredder and all round good guy Steve Debusk has a RIDICULOUS bio in there that needs to be seen to be believed.
Go Vegan! (or at least vego!)
